Elvis has left the building by Wendy (30 locations)
Bon Voyage Brighton Burlesque bon voyage party..twas fun wasn't it!
Hong Kong Phooey touch down
Bangkok Welcome to Thailand
Kanchanaburi Messing about on the river
Chiang Mai mass water fights, boxing, ladyboys and hill tribes
Paradise Pai The perfect party town
Mekong Messing about in the river
Luang Prabang Home of bagettes, Mr Hom and naughty Monks
Vang vieng happy shakes, tubing and chillin. with food poisoning.
Vientien Capital city
Hanoi lovely old quarter Hanoi..cyclo anyone?
Halong Bay junk boats, rude caves and beautiful stuff
Sunrise on way to Hue I love these photos and believe me it is quite an art taking these from a bus with the effect of sleeping pills a numb bum and smelling quite a bit....enjoy
Hue Citeldel Mostly bombed the crap out of by the good old USA but some beatuiful stuff still remains...
Day trip to DMZ middle of Vietnam where there was a demilitralized Zone during the Vietnamese war with US.
Hoi An the tailoring town ( CD Missing here) the town is lovely I can assure you..fashion shoot only...
Dalat to Siagon get your motor running head out on the highway
Nha Trang
Saigon / HCMC
Phomn Pheng
Silinoukeville or however it is spelt..beach lovin